aromas happy

Discover aromas to make you feel joyful

Aromatherapy has some incredible qualities and can be very powerful. In fact, some studies have discovered that certain aromas can actually make you feel joyful. Discover these joyful aromas with Kohinoor Joy.


If you need a quick pick-me-up, sniffing citrus could be the answer. The smell of vitamin C filled fruits can make you feel instantly joyful and even boost your productivity. Studies have revealed that it can improve your energy and alertness levels. It is particularly a great choice if you’re feeling nervous or irritated, as it’ll evoke a sense of calm. Try any essential oils or cleaning products with aromas of orange, lemon, lime, or grapefruit.


Rosemary possesses a very unique quality for an aroma. It actually helps your memory. Studies have found rosemary can help your education as it energises your brain and allows you to learn things quicker. This herb, with its ability to amplify brain power, is a great idea to help your when your need to remember complex events and tasks. In fact, scientists are researching methods to use rosemary to treat memory loss.


Lavender’s hazy aroma is an enticing scent that can make you feel happy! It has long been known that lavender helps you fall asleep. This is because it naturally calms your body and reduces any stress or anxiety thus slowing your heart rate down. Many people who suffer insomnia use lavender spray on their pillows to allow this beautiful flower relax them, make them feel happy and then fall into a gentle slumber.

You can try any of these joyful aromas using essential oils, or even adorning your home with the real deal. Embrace the power of scents to be joyful and happy. Do you have a particular aroma that makes you feel joyful? Tell us in the comments below.