Chai Hot Cross Bun Pudding Recipe
We all love a toasted hot cross buns and a cup of tea, so we’ve combined the two with and Indian twist for the ultimate Easter Pudding. Ingredients 6 Hot Cross Buns300ml milk5 chai teabags2 large eggs25g butter2 tbsp caster sugar Method Pre-heat the oven to 170˚C Lightly grease a baking dish Halve the hot…
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We all love a toasted hot cross buns and a cup of tea, so we’ve combined the two with and Indian twist for the ultimate Easter Pudding.
6 Hot Cross Buns
300ml milk
5 chai teabags
2 large eggs
25g butter
2 tbsp caster sugar
- Pre-heat the oven to 170˚C
- Lightly grease a baking dish
- Halve the hot cross buns and butter them
- In a saucepan, add the milk and the teabags allowing the chai flavours to infuse. Don’t allow the milk to boil.
- In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs and caster sugar.
- Strain the milk into a jug and allow to cool slightly.
- Whilst whisking the eggs, slowly pour the milk mixture in.
- Put the hot cross bun halves back together and place in the baking tray.
- Pour the milk mixture over the hot cross buns and soak for 15 minutes
- Bake in the oven for 45 – 50 minutes and then leave to stand for 10 minutes.
- Serve with custard, cream, or ice cream!